Debra Burrell CSW

Phone Icon (646) 921-7794 

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

After-Hour Appointments Occasionally Available

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Therapy FAQs

How Do I Know If I Need Therapy?

There comes a time when you can no longer blame other people for your own emotional state. As much as you would like to believe that other people are the cause of all of your disappointment, sadness, frustration, and anger, there may be a little part of yourself that can see that somehow, in some way, you may be a contributor. When situations, partners, and jobs continue to change but you still feel the same, then it is reasonable to assume that exploration of your own emotional and mental habits may be helpful in getting you to a healthier and happier place.

"Symptoms" such as insomnia, inexplicable but continuous sadness, nervousness, uncontrollable and angry outbursts, not wanting to leave the house, excessive sleeping, and lack of happiness with activities that used to bring happiness can also be considered indicators that you might benefit from professional assistance. Even at a less extreme level, if you question how you might benefit, then seek assistance, if only for one or two sessions.

What is Debra's Specialty?

For the past 25 years, Debra has focused on relationship issues, specifically working with couples and individuals. Debra also has many years of professional experience working with abused and traumatized individuals and families. She was trained by Dr. John Gray and chosen to found the Mars Venus Counseling Center in New York.

How Long Should This Take?

The standard answer, as you might have guessed, is "it depends." There are times when all that is required may be 4 - 6 sessions of focused, goal-oriented treatment. Sometimes the development of a long-term relationship with a therapist allows sufficient time to address and resolve issues that are harder to bring up initially.

Does Debra Accept Insurance?

Debra accepts some insurance. You would need to call your insurance company and ask about the mental health benefits associated with your particular plan. If she is not on the panel, she may be considered an out-of-network provider. In this case, you pay her, and you're given a detailed, documented receipt that you submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Bear in mind that a third party payer, such as an insurance company, has in some cases, the right to request treatment notes and plans.

Can She Prescribe Medication?

Debra is a Board Certified Diplomat and licensed clinical social worker. With your written permission, she will consult with and provide your current physician who may be prescribing medication with a treatment update. Debra can also suggest the names of select physicians to whom she refers patients in need of evaluation for medication.

Does She Work With Couples Who Aren't Married?

Yes, people who identify themselves as part of a couple are a couple. All kinds of issues around control, personal freedom, neediness, responsibility, and fidelity can occur in any emotionally committed relationship whether legally married or not.

Where is the Office? How do I Schedule an Appointment?

Debra is located in midtown Manhattan. The best way to schedule an appointment is to call or email.